The Swiss Ice Hockey League

Live, hot and behind the scenes

Cooperation with the London based fashion label “Psylo”

Cooperation with the London based fashion label "Psylo"

The exhibition „the song!“ in Fribourg is finished

The next appearance of “the song!” will be at the photomuensingen 2012 during May in Münsingen

Superman’s in town

Semi-finals Swiss Ice Hockey

Bedroom recordings

Selfportrait, Sunday morning

Paléo 2012

"The Kills" killed the show of many other bands

New co-operation

Stefi Talman shoes, Zurich

Couture Atelier Schlossbergschule, Spiez

Couture Atelier Schlossbergschule, Spiez

Mein neues Fashion-Book 2009 ist ready

Mein neues Fashion-Book 2009 ist ready


"Ce soir, je l'enflamme - Andrei Bykov"

Thank you, Mr. Mauron!

You looked into my heart ...

Und für alle, die heute noch keine Freiburger Nachrichten in die Hand bekommen haben

Merci Carole! Du hast super ausgedrückt und rübergebracht was mir wichtig ist!

“YOGA! das Magazin” frontcover October 2012

For this issue, we transformed our balcony lounge into an outdoor photography studio. Thank you Jaël for your participation and the cosy…


"fier de mes coéquipiers - adam hasani"


"Toujours unis, quoiqu'il arrive! - Michael Ngoy"


"Hockey makes me fly - Julien Sprunger"

Soon the last days …

"THE PASSIONIZERS" "out battle the opponent! - shawn heins"

Dernière semaine d’exposition à la BCF.

Ils en restent encore des tableaux à vendre

This has been a big moment on our balcony this summer

Portrait story and cover picture shooting for the "YOGA! das Magazin" with Jaël Malli

So, guys … this is my last post in 2012

I'm building up my new office - my creative lab

Twilight at noon

Shooting for an editorial at Auberge aux 4 Vents, Fribourg

Concours de pronostic!!!!

Dernier match dans l’antre du dragon avant le début des playoffs et bataille pour la première place pour éviter Davos ou Genève. Statuer un…

Good morning Friiiiiiiiibourg!!

The throne is again ours ... 2 games to go before POs

Good luck guys!

Get the best out of it! And may the odds be ever in your favor

Psylo unchained

Psylo fashion London, Bali

Battle #1 of the semifinals is ours

Congrats for your 200th NLA goal, Sandy

As alternative a non-hockey picture

Oh yes, there are some other high-competitive sport clubs in our city 🙂

Our three penalty shoot-out heroes

The fourth was on the other side and realized our victory with a HUGE big save


3-0 lead in the semifinal series ...

GOTTERON-UNITED! Est-ce qu’on va en finale ce soir??? OUI / NON?

Le concours de pronostic est cette fois un peu different ... Chaque bonne réponse recevra cette photo en format 13x19 cm par la poste.…

YES! My product photography is shown by topd

And digitec and techmania. And also in Blick am Sonntag.

At the end we also win THIS fight

Zug or Bern will be the final opponent to battle ...

It’s money time

Good luck warriors, high-flyers, jets & co.

We look them straight into the eyes

But if we don't put the goals, they will put them ...

Buddies, you are my heroes

Conz Benjamin, Schilt Sebastian, Ngoy Michael, Birbaum Alain, Abplanalp Marc, Schäublin Olivier, Loeffel Romain, Kwiatkowski Joel, Cadieux…

MyLightmeter Pro

There's an App for all my needs ...

Rainy weekend??? Come on and visit “The Passionizers” photography exhibition

About the HC Fribourg-Gottéron Café le XXe, Av. Tivoli 3, Fribourg 28.04 - 01.06 2013

“The Passionizers”

Entering the last week of exhibition Café le XXe, Fribourg

LDN – First day was a very good contact

Let's wait and see what will happen ...

Retrospect “Nature conquers all”

My first international exhibition, Berlin, Kulturfabrik Moabit, 2009

It’s time for a change … Hockey is over

Let's head into fashion ... check-in to GLAM. Fashion editorial with 100% Swiss contribution

Yoga Cover-Shooting for the June issue

Magazine is OUT NOW!!! 10’000 copies are waiting for you!

Feel the sound

Future Music, Boulevard de Pérolles 41, 1700 Fribourg

Happy birthday my Switzerland!

Feel free to share if you like your country!

Just arrived in XXL size

New post-processing for the exhibition in Bulle. "The Passionizers" are back

Buddie’s castle

Commercial photography for FRISTONE AG

My friend Lia Sells Fish

It was a very special athmosphere ... loved it

Jet Stream …

Let's get ready and pack all this stuff ...!

“The Passionizers” last stage: Café IIIe Bulle.

We are ready! Are you? Vernissage le 15.09 16:00

Paris taxi

Business trip ...

Thibaut Monnet et le HCFG sont prêts. Toi aussi?

Le gagnant du concours de pronostic du match de demain soir gagnera cette photo exclusive imprimée en format 13x18 cm. Ton pronostic pour…

Dernier vernissage “the passionizers” Café IIIe Bulle.

We are ready! Are you? Vernissage dimanche, 15.09 16:00

Concours de pronostic!

Match au sommet et dernier match à domicile avant la pause consacré à l'équipe nationale

Enjoy your fondue on breathtaking locations

 The commercial campaign for "MaFondue" has launched!

Photography for Cicloposse

Mountain Biking around Pienza, Tuscany

Elfic- Hélios

Mountain Biking around Pienza, Tuscany

Ta meilleure fondue vient de chez “MaFondue”

Gagne à tous les rencontres du HCFG un kilo de fondue en pronosticant le bon résultat!

C’est le derby des Zaehringen à Fribourg ce soir

Tous les pronostics avec le bon résultat vont gagner cette photo exclusive en format 13x18 cm de Benji Conz. Sera-t-il une fois de plus…

We’ve got a plan!

Have a good start into the new week

EPIC: My most emotional trip to London so far

F&cking awesome gig! Space Monkey in the place to be ... We can build a new tomorrow, today ...

Thank you very much to all of you supporting Pascal Corbat Photography

2013 has been a crazy year and I don't think 2014 will be less attractive. In the meantime, I wish you all a mery Christmas and a very good…

Making resolutions for next year

This Mockingjay, sign of inner individuality, will remind my focus every day on my babys coat

Happy New Year!

C'mon for a ride in 2014

Smooth awakening in the New Year

It was perfect weather last night to make our wish

Final commitment of these stunning holidays: With the original The Hoxton Hotel Rock-Paper-Scissors-Game pillow slips we feel like London at home

The musical touch and violent flashback is guaranteed by the UK radio station "Chill" - We're here to help you chill

C’est le derby romand à Fribourg ce soir

Va-t-il servir aux dragons pour sortir du virage négatif dans lequel ils tournent actuellement?


Waiting for Bont, Erik Bont

Back from a great and exciting experience with Erik Bont and his team.

Still feel the adrenaline rushes in my body. Today, it's like some kind of jetlag after traveling through a new universe ... Thank you…

I’m a beginner

... but I like challenges ... 😉


Workshop at Erik Bont

One step closer

Wishing you good luck!

Yoga! Das Magazin. Frontcover of February 2014

Thank you Nina Burri for your shared time ...

Another selfie

Batman, Wonderwoman, Flash

That’s the way I saw the boys this morning … Very concentrated!

Can't wait the series to be started ... And may the odds be ever in your favor!

Niklas Hagman et le HCFG sont prêts pour les séries éliminatoires.

Et toi? Le premier pronostic correct du match de ce soir gagnera cette photo exclusive imprimée en format 13x18 cm


Qui va nous défier en demi?

Today, ice-hockey break. Let’s talk about Yoga! Das Magazin

The brand new cover for the April 2014 issue taken at Progr Turnhalle Bern

Never give up!

4 seconds to eliminiation

Thank you boys!

We had a great time! But nevertheless I'm in a sad mood because of missed opportunities ...

End of the line …

Thank you for your presence, Niklas!

Not so attractive …

But this is also part of the story "A rainy day at the beach"

EPIC! I feel somehow “jetlaged”

Like after a travel through many timezones


Backstage after the shooting. All the pics are in the camera.

Dernière Collection HCFG Saison 2013/14 à gagner!

Likez ma page et mettez un commentaire sous la photo. Le premier message reçois le package de portrait de tous les joueurs

Berlin Fashion Week 2014

Wow, wow, wow, ... awesome!

Paléo starts today!

And that's your chance to get Switzerlands absolutely best Fish&Chips at Laurent Maninis Airstream Trailer

Abstract of Paléo 2014. Nothing to add.

I know where my Festival-Heart belongs: Paléo Festival Nyon. Next year is your 40th jubilee. I wonder how you would top 2014

Notre Mister Kikki …

Et là, je vais à la piscine ...

The sea is calling and I must go.

Escape this awful Swiss summer ...

“Intrusive thoughts”

My artistic approach of a socio-critique high fashion editorial starts making noise

“Intrusive thoughts”

High Fashion Editorial with a hint of socio-critique

Back on track … 🙂

Will my trigger be fast enough ...?

My second to last cover for “YOGA! Das Magazin”.

It was a memorable one on a memorable day. On the hottest day of this mythic horrible Swiss Summer 2014

Lightshow on the Swiss Government Palace in Bern.

"A travel through time in paradise" ... Every year it's worth to stay for the 30 minutes ...

Power, commitment, emotions

That's why I so much love this game!!

Chapter “Champions League” is closed

Let's now concentrate on the target PLAYOFFS!

Mediapolis has come to a final rejection

The leisure park project, initiated in 1998, is definitively dead.

I’m selling one of my two Nikon D800 bodies.

Not that I’m not happy with it … It’s an awesome camera!

And yes, finally I did it …

Looking forward to my first speed-flash ... 😉

Brilliant photography exhibition of Chris Stein: “Me, Blondie and the advent of punk”

I learnt a lot about Blondie, David Bowie, The Television, The Ramones, Joan Jet, ...

My so far last cover for “YOGA! das Magazin”

Down at the riverside in late autumn where we often run our greyhound ...

Bad-Ass-Scan … I know. Sorry for that poor quality …

New Zealands Uncle Tom's Cabin on my last travel on Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 🙂

First time sold out this season

Come on and shout it out loud tonight!

Clean-Desk-Policy for 2015

Last night: Inauguration of my new lamp by Rondechute

Trash Talk

10 minutes to go boys!!! Allez Gottéron!!

I made my wish for 2015 …

Wishing you all a very happy year!

10 days, 10 smoothies

My favourite smoothies named after Placebo songs

Cela va être chaud!

Good night and good luck ...


Thirsty ... Diesel is running through my veins ...

10 days, 10 smoothies

My favourite smoothies named after Placebo songs

National team break

Augustin est fatigué. Il a besoin d'une petite pause ...

Back on track tonight …

New sensations after almost 14 days of rest

Teenage kicks – We can be heroes

From my series "the song!", Adam Kesher - Local girl

Counting down the days … 16

"Intrusive Thoughts" Vernissage 29.03 17:00

Counting down the days … 13

"Intrusive Thoughts" Vernissage 29.03 17:00

Counting down the days … 11

"Intrusive Thoughts" Vernissage 29.03 17:00

In Fribourg, ice hockey is never out of minds

Original Dzodzet - Networking and ice hockey

Counting down the days … 7

"Intrusive Thoughts" Vernissage 29.03 17:00

Counting down the days … 5

Fine Art Fashion with a hint of socio-critique

Merci Freiburger Nachrichten

Fine Art Fashion with a hint of socio-critique

Counting down the days … 3

Fine Art Fashion with a hint of socio-critique

I found my Soulmate

Drink clean - Talk dirty


Come and make some NOISE! LA FINALE, c'est demain!

Finale de la Coupe Suisse: C’était super intense

Elfic échoue d'un rien .. Ce n'est que partie remise ...

When I have a camera in my hand, I have no fear

Elfic does the same with a basket ball ... See you soon again

Swiss Championship Finals of Elfic Fribourg Basket

It was "full commitment" ... and without hesitation ...

Fade Out the Photography Exhibition “Intrusive Thoughts”

It's tomorrow, Saturday, 02.05 at 16:00. Come and have a drink and chat! Fade Out the Photography Exhibition "Intrusive Thoughts"

CHF 300.- For Sale: My former lightystem set by Linkstar

A great start for an ambitious photographer. Still working very well! Refer picture(s) for details. The power on/off switch of the 600 Ws…

Time is your enemy

Creative people, never forget: time is your enemy