Exhibited in 2016 at:
photo16, Zurich, Werkschau Bern, Café XXe, Fribourg
I’m excited to introduce my High Fashion Editorial “Intrusive thoughts”. I have opted for an artistic approach with a hint of socio-critique. The outfits you are looking at, have been designed by Marina Hoermanseder, who is the rising star at Berlin Fashion Weeks. Her extravagant yet ready-to-wear designs have been inspired by orthopedic devices, often used for war invalids. My series focus on topics such as „media violence“, “discrepancies”, “violence on standby”, “disputable beauty” and “headlessness”. The main conclusion is that us people, we are a product of the culture we are born into. Captured by the stream of values prevailing in our country, we often fail to live upon our personal beliefs. A great many people act like remotely controlled robots, soldiers of our society. „Intrusive Thoughts“ hopes to inspire, to raise questions, to wake some of them to reality.
ClientMarina Hoermanseder, BerlinServicesArt Direction, PhotographyYear2014
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