New co-operation

Stefi Talman shoes, Zurich

Paléo 2012

"The Kills" killed the show of many other bands

Photomünsingen 17.-20.05.2012

In the Swiss press

Bedroom recordings

Selfportrait, Sunday morning

Superman’s in town

Semi-finals Swiss Ice Hockey

The exhibition „the song!“ in Fribourg is finished

The next appearance of “the song!” will be at the photomuensingen 2012 during May…

Cooperation with the London based fashion label “Psylo”

Cooperation with the London based fashion label "Psylo"

The Swiss Ice Hockey League

Live, hot and behind the scenes

New magazine’s out!

Go and get your copy

I’m free but not easy

Model for a day

Mister K – A fish is a better friend than a human

Aaron, December 11th Fri-Son

Travel in surfers paradise

Porto Pollo, Sardegna

Yoga as art

Yoga as art

Galgo Deutsch